Dividend Income

Below you can find all of my dividend income since my first payment back in September 2014. Because I started blogging before I went on my dividend journey you can find every single Euro I’ve ever received following the dividend growth strategy below.

Please note that the amounts below are denominated in Euros and are after any applicable foreign withholding taxes and a 30% Belgian income tax.

Dividend income for December 2017



Month Amount YoY Growth
January 2017 66.61 +68.08%
February 2017 80.67 +17.18%
March 2017 222.93 +103.59%
April 2017 52.4 -52.81%
May 2017 524.51 +266.97%
June 2017 313.35 +193.59%
July 2017 63.92 +50.12%
August 2017 249.04 +30.85%
September 2017 128.55 +21.83%
October 2017 54.68 -4.44%
November 2017 106.4 +41.26%
December 2017 303.82 +19.89%
Total 2,166.88 +66.30%



Month Amount YoY Growth
January 2016 39.63 +357.62%
February 2016 68.84 +148.61%
March 2016 109.50 +6.57%
April 2016 111.03 +113.56%
May 2016 142.93 +21.47%
June 2016 106.73 +91.07%
July 2016 42.58 -0.75%
August 2016 190.32 +187.36%
September 2016 105.25 -4.18%
October 2016 57.22 +30.58%
November 2016 75.32 +15.98%
December 2016 253.41 +42.68%
Total 1,302.76 +49.75%



Month Amount YoY Growth
January 2015 8.66 N/A
February 2015 27.69 N/A
March 2015 102.75 N/A
April 2015 51.99 N/A
May 2015 117.66 N/A
June 2015 55.86 N/A
July 2015 42.90 N/A
August 2015 66.23 N/A
September 2015 109.84 +837.20%
October 2015 43.82 +1611.72%
November 2015 64.94 +383.90%
December 2015 177.61 +354.13%
Total 869.95 +1202.13%



Month Amount YoY Growth
September 2014 11.72 N/A
October 2014 2.56 N/A
November 2014 13.42 N/A
December 2014 39.11 N/A
Total 66.81 N/A


  1. Great job! I’m from Spain and also investing towards financial independence.
    Thanks a lot for the Euro Dividend All-Stars. I was just looking for that.
    Can I share the list on my blog with credit to you?

    1. Dividendos,

      Of course! As long as you make sure to link back you can use the information anyway you see fit. 🙂

      Best wishes,

      1. Hi, just wonder, where can i buy share that give me dividend, i’ve done some research online, but no one really mention dividend

        1. s27y,

          I’m not really sure what you’re asking, but if you’re looking for companies that pay dividends on a sustainable basis, you could take a look at David Fish’ USA dividend aristocrats, Tyler Witten’s UK dividend champions or my own Euro Dividend All-Stars.

          You can buy them on their respective stock markets through a broker or your bank.

          Best of luck,

          1. s27y,

            I have experience with Binck Bank and Bolero in Belgium. I recommend both. If you wish to use Binck hit me up through the contact form since we could both receive referral credit.

            DeGiro is popular too because it’s cheap, but comes with some drawbacks. I don’t like that they’re allowed to swap your shares with other financial institutions, for example.


          2. Hi NMW

            I want to open an account in Binck Bank. Let’s get those 100 EUR of referral credit for transaction costs.

            They need your full name and date of birth.

            I’ve sent you already two messages through contact section. Not sure if you have seen them?

            Could you please contact me by email to arrange this?

  2. Hi NMW,

    Perhaps we both can take advantage of a good referral system too? I’ll be looking around myself but I guess you already are with a decent broker so perhaps we can both profit from that?

    Unless things have changed and you can refer me to a better one?


  3. Great progress!

    Any reason you are not using accumulated index funds (IWDA?) where you would not need to pay any % dividend tax? Capital gains tax is 0% in Belgium so why not take money 1x per year or not at all until the time you need it?

    That 30% dividend tax is hurting your growth rate and potential. Not paying the taxes today or ever would increase your compounded rate immensely.

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