Best Writing of The Week, July 19

Best Writing of the Week

With the weekend just around the corner again, it’s time to look back at the best writing of the past week. With the advent of never ending news feeds and social media we have got all the information we could ever want at our finger tips, but finding in-depth and engaging reading material still is easier said than done. Here’s my top picks for this week!


Weekly Woot & Grumble: Award-n-Conference (Frugalwoods)

Ah, my favourite piece of writing on the internet! Someone actually called me, get this, “hilarious” and “quite knowledgeable”. Truly wise words! And the Frugalwoods family nominated me for a Liebster Award, which is simply amazing. Thank you very much, expect a follow-up post tomorrow! And I’ll be coming for that “I’m A Greyhound” Award soon! Mark. My. Words.


My Single Most Effective Money Saving Strategy: Safe Sex (The Broke and Beautiful Life)

Sex? Sex! Provocative titles always draw attention and this one is no different. I had a great laugh when I first saw Stefanie’s post, but she actually made a great point with the term conscious procreation. Although I don’t agree that kids should be a consious spending choice per se, I do think that the financial aspect should be taken into consideration when deciding on having kids.


The Right Time to Have Children (Impersonal Finance)

Another article about having children? No worries, I’m not dropping any hints.  Or am I? Are you confused yet? Eitherway, someone who is not confused is Ryan from Impersonal Finance. Be sure to check his argument as to why two people who are in a committed partnership with shared goals and financial stability are in a great place to have children.


Getting out of the Yo-Yo Habit of Saving (Moneystepper)

Have you ever had a spending binge in which you undid a couple of months’ worth of savings, effectively ruining a lot of your effort?  Moneystepper calls this the Yo-Yo effect of saving and believes it’s easy to get out of: only buy things you really want and if you have explicitly saved for them. Don’t use your emergency or general savings fund!


Weathering a Financial Storm (Student Debt Survivor)

A financial emergency is bound to happen during your lifetime, so why not prepare for the worst? Kari from Student Debt Survivor lists his own excellent plan to weather a financial storm. Must read if you feel like you’re not ready for an unexpected car repair or lengthy unemployment.


As I discover more and more awesome personal finance blogs out there, it gets harder and harder to choose only five articles that really stood out. Did you like my picks? Feel free to share in the comments!


    1. It definitely worked! And you’re welcome, great article!

      Thanks for stopping by,

  1. Thanks for the kind words, you are most welcome–you deserve it! As for the “I’m A Greyhound” Award, the only rule is that you have to actually BE a greyhound, so, I’m not sure you’re going to win… 😉

  2. Many thanks for including my post in the roundup, I appreciate it! Hope you had a good weekend.

    1. No problem, really enjoyed it! You’ve got a great site going.

      Thanks for stopping by,
      Take care,

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