Achievement Unlocked: Receive an Award

Liebster Award

An award! Finally some recognition after all these hard years months weeks days of work! Apparently, the thoughtful Frugalwoods family is so impressed by the No More Waffles blog that they decided to nominate it for a Liebster Award. Insane right? Here is their truly wise and, if you ask me, batshit crazy statement:

This guy, in addition to being hilarious and quite knowledgeable, is Belgian! I could have easily listed Bruges or Brussels as my favorite places on earth. Belgian beer. Need I say more?

Awesome! Thank you so much for the kind words! If you’re ever visiting Bruges or Brussels again, let me know and I’ll hook you up with some premium quality Belgian beers. And for Frugal Hound a… I don’t actually know any party drinks or food for dogs?

Anyhow, with a great award comes great responsibility. The instructions for the Liebster award are as follows:

  1. Spread the prestige and nominate five other newer/smaller blogs. The exact definition of newer and smallers seems to vary, so go with what feels right.
  2. Answer a few questions that your nominee asks during his or her nomination ceremony.


The questions

Let’s first answer Mrs. Frugalwoods’ questions because that’s what she did first too.

  • What made you decide to start your blog?
    When I started my job half a year ago, two other things happened: I saw this woman eating a waffle every day after work and I bumped into the financial independence, early retirement and frugal living community online. Long story short, I needed a place to vent my thoughts and a way to motivate myself to reach financial freedom. Plus it seemed like good fun!
  • What is your favourite place in the world?
    Tough one! Intuitively I feel like answering home, but that’s so cheesy I won’t go there, although I really like being in the comfort of my own home. If I have to pick a place abroad I choose the south of Germany, more specifically the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) area. Great people, good food, plenty of nature, lots of mountains and nice weather overall.
  • Your personal finance philosophy in 10 words or less.
    Stop eating those damned daily waffles, woman!
    Don’t waste money on stuff you don’t really need.
  • What has been your favourite blog post?
    After digging through my massive archives I came up with Why ETFs Are Great For People Starting Out In the Stock Market, although I also really like the unpopular How I Outsmarted the Telecom Company and You Can Too. Ultimately I like the ETF one better because it reflects my views on exchange-traded index funds beautifully and because I truly believe it provides sound advice for people starting out in the stock market.
  • What is your favourite type of cheese?
    Mrs. Frugalwoods thinks this is a trick question, but for me the answer is pretty straigthforward: Chaumes and Chimay! Chaumes because it is so creamy and Chimay because it goes great with dark beer, especially Chimay Bleue of course.


My nominees

So many excellent blogs out there, how can I possibly only choose five? Well, the rules state I can only pick newer or smaller blogs. Since No More Waffles is a 15-day-old newborn, finding five personal finance blogs I like that are younger and smaller could prove a whole lot more difficult. As a result, I’m going with blogs I feel deserve some extra love.

  1. Frankly Frugal Finance. The only blog on the list newer than mine! Its owner, Kipp, sounds like a great and helpful guy, especially when you get to know his background in his introductory post. Even though he isn’t able to access my blog for some unknown reason, I hope he gets to see this somehow.
  2. The Frugal Cottage. Nicola from the UK has been banging out excellent budgetting tips like nobody’s business for the past few days . I’m curious to see where she will take her writings in the future.
  3. Work To Not Work. Zee’s blog is quite old already, but is a lot of fun to read through. I especially like his behavioral finance posts, which really make you think twice. At the moment he’s in the hospital for narcolepsy tests, so go over there and wish him good health!
  4. First Quarter Finance. Young Will has been around for some time now, but his motivational writing style keeps me going back for more. FQF provides a great blend of practical tips and inspiration for those wishing to retire early. Did you know, for example, that he’s able to save 85% of his income?
  5. Dividend & Whisky. Since past April Dutch dividend growth investor Dividend & Whisky is trying to achieve a monthly dividend income of €850. He provides an excellent tool to the community in the form of his dividend screener, which has been helpful more than once in my recent dividend growth investing research. Also, I want more posts on whisky!

My questions to these fine ladies and gents: when was the last time you ate a waffle; who is your personal hero; what is your personal finance philosophy (in ten words or less); what has been your favourite blog post so far; and what is your favourite beer (both type and brand)? Should be interesting!


That’s it for me, folks! Thank you very much again to the fine people over at the Frugalwoods residence. Hopefully I did not disappoint! And if I did, tough luck.


  1. Thanks for the nomination! 🙂 I shall ponder my response to your questions and post it up 🙂 much appreciated and thanks for reading my blog.

    1. No problem, great job on those budget tips! 🙂 Keep it up! I’m looking forward to reading more!

    1. Thanks, Debs! Liebster button? You mean I should add a button somewhere?

      You were on my short list too, but then I remembered you recently received the award already! 🙂

      1. If you want (not obligatory), you can put a button in your sidebar, that way readers know you’ve already been nominated. I don’t think it has to be an official button, you can either make your own if you’re so inclined (and have a specific colour preference for your blog) or copy a .jpg from another blog. This post has a number to choose from. I find there’s not too many masculine looking ones but the top one in there would work.

  2. Hey NMW,

    Thanks for the nomination. I try not to do posts that are directly for a blogger only audience so I’ll just give my answers here.

    1) In fact, the last time I had a waffle was just last weekend.
    2) My personal hero is probably Jim Henson, he was a true visionary (and we share the same birthday so I have to give a shout out for that too)
    3) Work to live, don’t live to work.
    4) It’s hard to say what my favorite blog post is… I’ve been following blogs for probably 4 years now so I can’t remember all of the great ones. I think some of the most consistent blogs over the years that actually changed how I do things in my life have been FinancialSamurai, DividendMantra, BudgetsAreSexy, and jlcollinsnh.
    5) Lowenbrau

    Also, a greyhound is probably the drink that I would suggest for Frugal Hound – the name seems fitting.

    My blog has been around for about 11 months now, but the first few months were a trial period, I wrote for me when I felt inspired. I didn’t expect an audience, I didn’t tell people in my life about it, I just did it. About 6 months ago I decided to take it more seriously, I bought my domain name, I joined the Yakezie challenge, started commenting more on other blogs (When I started I didn’t realize how important that was) and started posting on a more regular schedule instead of just whenever I felt like I had the time. So while my site may have been around for a while I still feel like one of the new people around. But I enjoy interacting with the PF community, they are a very supportive group.

    Thanks for the well wishes, the hospital tests are over and I was only a little tired from being woken up constantly by the doctors administering the test. I should know the results in a few weeks.


    1. Zee,

      Thanks for commenting! Keep us updated on the test results.

      For not taking your blog serious for almost six months you did a pretty good job, really like reading your posts. And I agree that DividendMantra and jlcollinsnh have great blogs too. I yet have to go through FinancialSamurai and BudgetsAreSexy’s blogs in-depth.

      And the PF community is great indeed. One of the main reasons I started blogging was because everyone is so supportive of each other and they all are great motivators!

      Take care and thanks for stopping by,

  3. This is a great idea for an award – I might have to do something similar as I have noticed plenty of new PF bloggers over the last few months.

    Best of luck with your site and please reach out if you ever need help with anything 🙂

    1. I thought so too when I first heard about it a couple of days ago! Great way to get to know new people and find exciting new content.

      Thank you for stopping by, much appreciated!

      PS: great website name! 🙂

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