Resources and Tools

If you’re looking for some of the resources and tools that I use on a daily basis to keep my finances organised, you’ve come to the right page. Below are some of the awesome spreadsheets I have created myself.


Stock and dividend growth analysis

No More Waffles is home to the Euro Dividend All-Stars, a compilation of the best dividend growth stocks in Euro area countries. The list is similar to the US Dividend Champions by David Fish and the UK Dividend Champions by Trevor Witten, and is maintained regularly.

If you’re looking for an overview of the individual stocks I’ve analysed, check out this alphabetical list of reports. Want more up to date reports? Check out the stock analysis category for the most recent stock talk.


Dividend tracking spreadsheets

For dividend investors it’s a must to keep track of both their dividend income and the underlying value of their portfolio. The tools below will do just that.

Dividend TrackerDividend tracker
Download .xlsx (v2.0)
Google sheets (v2.0)
If you’re looking for a nice dashboard to monitor your individual positions, overall portfolio value, and monthly dividend income, this Excel spreadsheet is for you. The latest update also offers a very useful and automated Google Sheets variant. More information »


Budget spreadsheets and templates

People who want to get a handle on their cash flow, might want to check out the budgeting tools I use. Of course, I made the templates as generic as possible, but feel free to change them to your personal liking.

Budget tracking made easy with this awesome free spreadsheetBudget tracker
Download .xlsx (v1.0)
This spreadsheet provides a great overview of your income, expenses and savings rate on a monthly basis and per category. Easy-to-use and a great tool to figure out what happens to your monthly paycheck. More information »